
Monday, January 5, 2015

Red Clay Valley History Talk

Just a reminder that the inaugural Red Clay Valley History Talk is this evening was Monday night, January 5 at 7:00, at the Wilmington & Western Office in Marshallton (NOT at the Greenbank Station). Tonight's topic is the New Castle County Workhouse, formerly located at Greenbank. Details can be found in the post below. Hope to see you there!


  1. Hello,
    I am so bummed I missed this by a few days. Still trying to clean from sons being home for the holiday. I will plan to attend the other dates. I have been researching for a few years and have yet to find when my relatives arrived in MCH. This is my first time seeing your blog. THANK YOU for doing this.
    Deanna Thielemann Weiss(from the Palmer/White union)

    1. Deanna -- Sorry you missed it, the evening was very interesting. I know I'm looking forward to the next two, and not just because I'm giving the last talk. :) I'll be sure to post reminders again before each one, maybe on the Friday before. Glad you found the blog, and good luck with your research. If there's anything we can do to help, just ask!

  2. Would be nice if you posted the exact address next reminder. Thanks

    1. Sorry about that. The address was included in the original post about the series, and was one of the "details" I was referring to. Next time the first post won't be directly below, so I'll be sure to include more information in the reminder.
