
Friday, September 14, 2018

Some Railroad-Related Pictures at Delaware Park

B&O culvert over Mill Creek
I admit to not knowing the full story behind the birth of Delaware Park and the selection of its site. But whether it was intentional or not, its proximity to not one, but two major railroad lines had to be at the very least a piece of good fortune. The property was literally bordered by the Pennsylvania Railroad (now the Amtrak line) on the south and the Baltimore & Ohio (now the CSX line) on the north. While passenger service was discontinued years ago by the B&O and the PRR (although it was revived by SEPTA in 2000), remnants and memories do still remain of previous era -- if you know where to look. And lucky for us, former Stanton resident, history lover, and friend of the blog Ray Albanese does know just where to look.

Over the summer, Ray returned to some of his old stomping grounds and took some amazing pictures, which I can't thank him enough for sharing with us. I posted these pictures recently over on the blog's Facebook page, and a number of interesting discussions arose from them. But for those who can't or don't access Facebook, I wanted to post the pictures here as well. Instead of trying to weave them all into some sort of semi-coherent post, I'll just show the pictures and include some sort of description with them.

We'll start with the picture that started all of this -- the photo above of the B&O culvert over Mill Creek. This is the site that initially sent Ray out. He had seen the pictures here of the several other B&O culverts, and knew there was another one on the Delaware Park property. This view is looking north.

Interior of the culvert, looking south

B&O culvert over Mill Creek, looking south

Above are two more views of the culvert, one of the interior and one of the north side, looking south. The footbridge can be seen in the distance. Also seen on the left side of the bottom picture is the intake for the B&O's  pump house. As Tommy Gears tells us, the railroad used it to pump water up to a pan under the tracks. The steam locomotives would have a scoop underneath to scoop the water up.

Intake for the B&O pump house, visible in the background

Stairs down the shaft

Interior of the pump house

Terra cotta pipe

Seriously. Trees will grow anywhere

Now we move away from the culvert and pump house (which are northeast of the race track) to the section of track next to it. As previously mentioned, the B&O had a stop at DE Park for many years. These pictures are all from the area around the stop, between the race track and what I'm told is the Kirkwood lot.

Concrete ticket booth

Pathway under the tracks, built with the park in 1937
Steps from the tracks down to the pedestrian underpass

Pedestrian bridge over the tracks

Pedestrian bridge. Normally closed, but used occasionally when the under
 path is flooded and to access the second floor of the casino 
Ironically enough, although I've lived a majority of my life with a couple miles of Delaware Park, I've only ever actually visited it a handful of times. I never knew that the sites pictured above were even there. I want to send many thanks again to Ray Albanese for getting out there and bringing these to our attention. And I don't want to put any undue pressure on him, but he did mention possibly getting out again for some more shots in the fall or early winter, when the trees and underbrush clear out. So stay tuned...


  1. hello the picture of the ticket booth.was this really a ticket booth and for what time span this was not used for delaware park. I dont believe it was. Thank you

    1. I was told it was a ticket booth, and that's certainly what it looks like. If you're thinking it was older than the park I think that's unlikely -- it would have just been in the middle of a field. Plus, it it were a stand-alone thing it would have been a station, not just a ticket booth. Although the 1893 map doesn't show it, I seem to recall reading that there was a B&O Stanton Station at Limestone Road (and definitely one over at Kiamensi).

  2. ok thank you for youre reply. My next question if you can was this a booth for people to buy a ticket to get into del park.was it it to buy a train ticket for people to go home from the park.i thought the train dropped the people off and took them back from the other end of the park where murray manor is.

    1. I would assume it was a ticket booth for the railroad. Any ticketing for the park, presumably, is over at the park. It sounds like there might be confusion over what the tracks were. This wasn't just a local tram line, it's the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. The tracks were first built in the 1880's, but when the park opened in 1937 they wisely utilized the line that was right there. The local road system was still not real great, by modern standards. In fact, I believe that the existence of the park was one of the pressures behind the building of the stretch of Kirkwood Highway between Prices Corner and Limestone Road in about 1941. Before that, you had to go through Marshallton, and traffic would be heavy from park goers. So going to the park by train was a good option, and the B&O ran passenger service to it until the early 70's (can't recall the exact year it ended). Also, for a time the Pennsylvania Railroad had a spur to the park from their line that ran behind Stanton (now the Amtrak tracks).

  3. if it was neither of the two then what was it used for. Thank you

  4. hello was doing some research on the comp and this ticket booth is actually called a switchmans shanty and was used for communications. Saw pictures of this to. What do you think

    1. I'll get back to this, but I'm pretty sure you're right!!!! I looked up switchman's shanty (or shack) and found picture that looked almost identical to this. Great catch and find!!! Thanks!!!

  5. yea one article i read said B&O used these shacks all over
