I'm proud to present another wonderful Guest Post from Dave Olsen, who's becoming quite the expert on the Mill Creek region north of Milltown. Although admittedly I was originally hesitant to cover topics too far into the 20th Century with this blog, I now realize that there are plenty of fascinating such stories. Dave's post here on Camp Mattahoon is a perfect example. I thank Dave for his great work, and feel free to add any of your own memories of the camp. I know there are still people out there who experienced it firsthand.
--Researched and Written by Dave Olsen
Tucked in along the side of Mill
Creek, slightly north of Milltown proper off of Limestone Road are the remains
of what was the 170 acre camp ground owned and operated by what we now know as
The Boys and Girls Club of Delaware. The
county oasis and get-away was named Camp Mattahoon, supposedly after the Indian Chief from whom, it is
said, the early settlers bought land which is now part of Wilmington. For over 40 years beginning in 1930, the camp
provided the opportunity for hundreds of boys to escape the confines of city
and as former Director Alfred Kamm mentioned in his 1946 annual report, “When
it comes to fun, health building, self-development, learning of skills,
knowledge and habits, there is nothing better than camping for a boy. More good guidance in behavior and attitudes
can be offered a boy in two weeks of camping under proper leadership, than in
practically a whole club season.”
While a good part of the Mill Creek Hundred remained true to its
agricultural and farming roots in addition to various mill related industries,
by the early 1800’s populations were expanding, especially in urban
centers like Wilmington. In 1837, railroads connected Wilmington with the
larger cities of Baltimore and Philadelphia. Cotton, woolen mills,
iron-casting, shipbuilding and numerous other industries were prevalent in
Wilmington. For a one hundred year period, from 1830 until 1930, railcar
manufacturing, shipbuilding, carriage manufacturing, and leather working
(tanneries) were the four largest industries in Wilmington. Communities of workers living in close
proximity to their place of employment were growing up around these
factories. The manufacturing and
industrial expansion during this period was also reflected in the population
growth. There was an almost fifty percent (49.32%) population increase each
decade from 1860 to 1900.
Around the middle of the
nineteenth century, the economy, the social and political culture of
Wilmington, Delaware, as well as the nation, changed. This was the start of
“Big Business” and the time of Cornelius Vanderbilt and John D.
Rockefeller. There was still child
labor, no forty-hour work week laws and deplorable working conditions. The upper class was very aware of the dire
straits some of their fellow residents were forced to live. In response,
charities were organized and created by churches or the wealthy upper
It was one of these charities,
the Red Feather Agency, a direct descendant of The United Way of today that we
can trace the origins of the Boys & Girls Clubs back to the early 20th
century. During this period, new
immigrants were struggling to adjust to differences in language and culture and
poorer working parents were forced to leave children to fend for themselves in
the streets and the crime rate was high. Facilities for health and personal
hygiene were scarce. The need for providing children from these families with
access to constructive activities and grow up as responsible individuals was
great. What began as The Wilmington
Community Service (WCS) evolved into what is today the Boys & Girls Clubs
of Delaware. The WCS first met in 1919
with the goals of cooperating and coordinating the activities of existing
community service agencies. Mrs. Coleman
DuPont, President of WCS, said, “We owe every child a chance to play in a safe
and happy environment.” The organization aimed to promote playgrounds for
‘wholesome recreation’ that included promoting ‘health, safety and character.’
Boys’ Club of Wilmington began its work in the fall of 1926 when the third
floor of the Queen Theatre building on Market Street was rented and made into
recreation rooms for boys. In December of 1927, the space was enlarged to
include the fourth floor of the same building. By this time over 500 boys were
members. For the next several years, the
Club provided the 1,592 children who were enrolled, various activities
including summer playgrounds, classes in public schools and sports activities.
Leaving for camp from in front of the Queen in 1930 |
In 1930, the club purchased 65 acres of land near Marshallton
located about eight miles from the headquarters. At
one time this land would probably have been part of John Ball’s farm in present
day Arundel which we have discussed in several other posts. The boys would meet at the Club on Saturday
mornings and then be bussed out to the camp for 1 -2 week sessions. Upon your arrival at Camp
Mattahoon, you were divided up into one of two groups or teams – you were either
a ''Blue'' or a ''Gold'' and that was for life.
Almost every camping activity provided an opportunity for the Blues to
score points against the Golds or vice versa. Every softball game, swimming
meet, boxing match, horseshoe pitching contest and competition on the rifle or
archery range, among others, resulted in points for the contestants and then
for teams Blue and Gold. Additionally,
points could be scored for woodcraft, nature and other educational activities,
as well as, daily housekeeping and camp related chores. The scores, a camp
obsession, were calculated daily, weekly, monthly and finally at the end of the
camping season. The losing team then had
to endure an entire fall, winter and spring of pain and despair associated with
their summer failure.

Boys at the camp, 1932 |
As the camp prospered into the 1940’s and 1950’s, the
facility was constantly upgraded and improved.
In 1955, a gift of 95 additional acres of surrounding land from S.
Hallock DuPont increased the size of the facility to nearly 170 acres. The original tents as seen below were
replaced by cabins that housed 8 boys each.
Additional buildings were added including the care takers house, mess
hall and kitchen, recreation hall, bath and wash houses, a small hospital and
dispensary and craft and nature houses.
A formal swimming pool was added and a new dam on Mill Creek was
constructed which resulted in a pond/swimming area approximately 40’ wide by
900’ long and about 5’ deep. This
allowed for canoeing, fishing, swimming and other water activities to also be
enhanced. During the war years, when many
of the older teens that had served as counselors and instructors had enlisted
and were serving our country, the program expanded to include more teen-aged
boys. The teen-age camp known as the
Pioneer Camp, was a tent city adjacent to Camp Mattahoon and was limited to
boys 14 to 18, with no more than 10 boys at the camp for four weeks at a
time. As the Director of the camp
stated, “The principal purpose of Pioneer Camp is to give these boys, too old
for Camp Mattahoon, a new experience in camping and through an in-service
training program to provide us with a pool of skilled counselors”.

As the urban sprawl continued to spread west of Wilmington
in the mid to late 1960’s, it eventually led to Matahoon’s demise. In 1968, the contractor Frank Robino
purchased the tract of land that butted directly up to the eastern boundaries
of the Camp and started the construction of the Arundel Apartments and
eventually the single family homes that presently occupy the area. With the construction came physical
challenges to the camp in the form of storm water runoff from the cleared land
which quickly choked and clogged the creek killing the stocked fish and silting
up the former rocky bottom. A new factor
also ruined the camp atmosphere according to a September 6, 1971 article in the
Morning News that mentions the harassment of campers and repeated vandalism and
theft of camp property and campers’ belongings by neighborhood youths or others
gaining access to the camp through the development. The resident camp closed in 1969 and the day
camp in 1971. Eventually, another
developer purchased the land and built the current townhouse community of
Some additional highlights of the camps 40 year history
courtesy of the various Wilmington newspapers include:
1943 – Thomas Angeline set a new camp record for long
distance swimming. Angeline swam a total
of 268 lengths or 4.47 miles. The Blue
team made up of 22 members and the Gold team made up of 31 members combined to
swim a total of 32.7 miles during the 8 week summer season.
1944 – William Jasinski was the first boy to
achieve the “expert” marksmanship rating.
Nearly all of the 184 boys at the camp used the rifle range and 43
campers completed a total of 119 qualifications.
1947 – Dr. George J Boines, director of the contagious unit
and president of the Wilmington Board of Heath, announced that Camp Mattahoon,
now host to about 80 boys would be quarantined at once due to an outbreak of
polio. A doctor and nurse will examine
every boy and the quarantine will last 10 days.
Parents are urged not to bring their children home until it is over.
1951 - Horseback riding instruction will be featured this
year for the first time ever.
Arrangements have been made with the Truitt Riding Academy to provide
horses and instructors and a riding rink will be constructed. (I
wonder if the Truitt Riding Academy coincided with the Truitt Farms named development
that was built in the late 80’s across Milltown Road from the entrance to
Sherwood Park I).
1955/1956 – On several occasions, members of the 16th
Rifle Company of the USMC Reserves practiced small unit tactics including mock
ambushes; simulated sniper fire; simulated mortar and artillery fire and
counter attacks. Blank ammunition, smoke
grenades and harmless noise-making devices added to the realism. Over 4,000 rounds of blank machine gun and
rifle ammunition was expended.
1998 – I found a newspaper article written by Fred Hartmann
who was the editor of the Jacksonville, FL Times-Union newspaper and retired in
1998. The article detailed memories of
his time at Camp Mattahoon during the mid 1940’s at Camp Mattahoon. Mr. Hartmann was also the editor at the
Wilmington News Journal and Morning News for a long time prior to moving to
Florida. Here is a link to that article
that he contributed after formally retiring in 1998. It is a great read: http://jacksonville.com/tu-online/stories/062298/dsf_0622camp.html#.WQsMsVXyupo (I
wonder if the Mike Walsh that he writes about is the longtime New Castle County
Sheriff? Coincidentally, I went to
elementary and junior high with Fred’s son in the 1970’s).
2017 – So what is still there today. Over the past 46 years since Camp Mattahoon
hosted its last campers, Mother Nature has slowly taken back the ball fields,
rifle and archery ranges, trails and other open areas, and Mill Creek has
modified its course so that none of the three dams are of any consequence any
more. During the construction of the
townhouse community of Walden in the late 1980’s, any of the buildings still
standing were knocked down as part of the construction of the development. There are still, however, and large number of
ruins that give a great account of the various activities that made the camp
what it was. Below are some pictures
with descriptions on what you can find now if you walk through old camp
Special thanks to Heather Pletcher, Executive Administrative
Assistant for the Boys and Girls Clubs of DE for some of the historical
photographs and camp brochure.
I also want to cite Carol Hoffecker’s Book –
Wilmington: A Pictorial History for some of the historical information.
The Pioneer Camp |
Remains of the piers from the tent platforms. Note the close
proximity of the Arundel house in the background. |
Piers from several additional bunk houses in the Pioneer Camp area.
Note the fireplace from the Recreation Hall in the background. |
First dam (closest to Limestone Road). If you look closely beyond the two
trees on the right bank, you can see the covered foot bridge and the second
dam right in front of it. Also note the wood planking on both banks. |
Same view today |
Dam #1 looking downstream, towards Limestone Road. Note the close proximity
of the Arundel apartments and how the creek has modified its course around the
original edge of the dam. You can also see the remains of the wood planks that
served as a dock or edge as noted in the old picture above. |
Another view looking downstream at the first dam. |
Campers posing on top of and below the first dam |
The second dam |
On the right bank of the creek you can see the remains of the foot bridge. This
dam may have been part of the dam that supplied the race to the Chandler Mill |
Remains of the foot bridge |
Remains of the truck bridge |
Another angle of the remains of the truck bridge |
Filter room/pit for the swimming pool |
Water well in the vicinity of the swimming pool and pool filter pit |
Basketball and volleyball court |
Fireplace from the Recreation Hall literally in someone's backyard |
Recreation Hall support posts and rafters |
Remains of several buildings, most likely another wash house.
You can still see vinyl floor tiles in some spots |
Remains of Dam #3, which is about 500 yards upstream of
Dam #1 and about 200 yards upstream of Dam #2 |
Dam #3 |
excellent article!i went to day camp there,and still live close enough to walk around the area occasionally.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWow, had no clue so many remains still existed! There is a very old abandoned playground along the creek about 20 feet from Limestone Road, right by the bridge where the creek goes under it, was this part of the camp?
ReplyDeleteI grew up in Sherwood Park II. As small kids we hiked over to the camp and snooped around. I never really knew any details about the camp so this post was really enlightening. Wow, have time changed.
ReplyDeleteI believe the playground mentioned in the comment above was associated with Arundel. Back in the '70's there was a pond there too where we ice skated during the winter. Always tons of kids there. Unfortunately, the pond was drained long ago.
The playground was associated with the Arundel apts. We have lived in Arundel since 1970 and also ice-skated on that pond. Such good times!
DeleteSo this is as close a to personal connection as I can get to the camp. I just found out from my mother (Hi Mom!) that she had the chance to visit the camp when she was young. Apparently they lived next door to the president of the Boy's Club, C. K. Vander, in Fairfax. I never knew this. All I could find on him was this one article from June 1954. I assume that it occurred at Mattahoon, but I don't know for sure.
ReplyDeleteBoys Club Head
Burned at Camp
WILMINGTON, Del.. June 15
(AP).-^-C. K. Vander, director of
the Boys Club of Wilmington, was
seriously burned today in a gasoline
explosion at the club's summer
camp near here.
Vander was using gasoline to
burn out weeds when it suddenly
He was taken to Wilmington
General Hospital.
Vander is a former director of
the Trenton, N. J., Boys Club and
is a national director of the
evidently, Vander survived. I attended the H. Fletcher Brown Boys club at 18th between Church & Pine and also attended camp at Mattahoon in the mid-50's through early-60's. Learned canoeing, marksmanship and bow & arrow among other things. There was a little camp store where your parents deposited a modest sum so you could purchase candy, postcards and 1-cent stamps. We all aspired to stay at Pioneer Camp, which I finally did in the early 60's. We were required to send postcards home at least a couple of times during the week we were at camp. My mother had one framed and hung on her wall for years. It said something like -- Dear Mom & Dad, Having fun at camp. Love, your son, David Eastburn (as if she didn't know). Fun & innocent times.
DeleteThanks, David. It was a good thing you signed it. You were gone so long they might have forgotten who you were. Better not to take the chance. And yes, the director did survive, although now I know why I couldn't find more. His name was actually Clarence K Xander, and he died in December 1977. Funny thing my mom didn't tell me....not only did they live next door in Fairfax, but also about six houses away when they moved to Chatham in the early 60's
DeleteI walk back there a lot as do so many others. I have seen some remains but wasn't sure what they were from. It must have been a wonderful camp and so beautiful in the woods. Hard to believe the creek was so big as to swim in it and canoe.
ReplyDeletei spent 2 weeks each summer at camp mattahoon during the summers of 1964, 1965 and 1966. I still have some of the best memories from those times. First in cabin #1, then cabin #5, then cabin#8. I remember vividly the sound of revele playing in the morning and running as fast as we could to get in line by the mess hall before breakfast. someone in the cabin was always required to say "all present and accounted for sir" while standing at attention each morning. Just an innocent era at that time, although I remember one of the counselors talking about going to vietnam after camp ended one summer. He always sang sonny and chers song...I got you babe. The PX, snipe hunt, overnight camping, swimming, canoeing, shooting 22 rifles, track and field events... all so fascinating then and even now.
ReplyDeleteMy uncle worked there briefly in the early 1960's. He even told me you could still see the rec hall behind Arundel. I didn't believe him until now, lol. I hiked back there once about ten years ago, and remember seeing the dam. I assumed it was a farm dam though. Never saw the boardwalk remains or any of the other things still standing. Honestly I'm amazed there is so much left. I'll have to try and get back there again.
ReplyDeleteJoe Castelline
ReplyDeleteI had the privilege of attending Camp Mattohoon in the early 1960's. I was introduced to the camp through my cousin and my enrollment in the Boys Club of Wilmington. It was a special place where I had the chance to experience activities that city kids only dreamed of. Campers realized from the moment you got off the bus, that unruly behavior would not be tolerated. Instead we were rewarded with non stop activities and challenges. Who can forget the "canoe races" and " Capture the Flag". We had great counsellors, good chow, and slept great in our bunks. I'll always be grateful for my opportunity to attend. Would like to hear from other campers too!
Bob B.
ReplyDeleteMy brothers and I had the wonderful opportunity to attend Camp Mattahoon in about 1964 and 1965, through the Boys Club on Elm and Jackson Streets. I grew-up on Elm Street about three blocks away. You had to earn points through attendance, participation and good behavior at the Boys Club in order to be eligible to attend for two weeks each summer. I believe my parents had to pay $35, which was a huge amount of money back then. The camp was everything others have written about it, and more. I earned a polar bear award for swimming each morning about 1/2 hour before reveille, when the incredible and dedicated camp director Frank (Castella, Cassella, not sure of the spelling)would wake us up each morning. The canoe races, Indian lure, fishing, archery and much more were awesome. Parents could come visit on the weekend after the first week. I have some of best memories of my boyhood being at Camp Mattahoon.
By the way, my wife and I were in an antique store in Northeast, MD, and I came across and purchased original negatives of different scenes at Camp Mattahoon that are the size of postcards. I assume they were for making postcards. I have a postcard I sent to my brother during one of those two-week stays. Seeing this blog and posts, the memories come flooding back. What a great time in the life of a 10 - 11 year old.
Thanks for sharing your memories of Mattahoon, Bob. It sure seems like it played a big role in the lives of many Wilmington area boys. I'm glad that there are memories of it, and people like you to share them, still around.
DeleteFrank Castaldi (spelling?) was the guy, every meal time when they played the recorded bugle music to sound meal time he would get on the microphone and sound like it was a race to the outside of the mess hall where you could not go in until
Deleteall cabins and campers went through the roll call, Cabin 1 all present etc. His famous mussing was just like a race track where he would get on the "PA" system and say " here they come... there they go...
Wow! I just saw this and remember it well. I went there in 1967, 68 and 69. Some of the best memories of my life. I learned how to shoot a rifle and caught alot of trout in the creek.
DeleteIt was the best of times!!!
I have been told by numerous sources (all verbal) that the name of the creek that runs through Arundel (behind Duvall Ct., under Elderon Dr. by the playground and then on to the Mill Creek) is "Dublin Creek". What is the origin of that name? Whatever it is, it is beautiful! Erin go Bragh!!
ReplyDeleteI've never heard that stream called Dublin Creek, but then again I don't think I've ever heard any name for it. Many of the families in the area had Irish roots, so it doesn't at all seem improbable. I'll keep an eye out for it. Maybe I'll get lucky and see it referred to in an old deed.
DeleteAs teenagers, we used to hang out at the ruins in the late 80's. Sad to see the main hall collapsed. Interesting to hear some if the history though, and see pictures. Anybody have more?
ReplyDeleteI was also a teen that hung out at the old camp site. The large pavilion was still there with the fireplace. There was one cabin fully intact that we would party at. I do have some pictures somewhere in my photo albums. Loved hanging out there
DeleteI too hung out at the pavilion and cabin on the hill at Camp Mattahoon as a teen. We were the Arundel kids and a very tight group not many outside of the neighborhood joined us there until late 70's and we started dating outsiders. We weren't allowed to be there and there was a caretaker who always came up the hill to tell us o go but he knew we weren't going away, just to the woods till he left. We had a fire in the fire place almost every night, melted the soles of my shoes while warning my feet. We were mostly quite respectful, we did no damage and always cleaned up any trash, I think we did write on the walls of the cabin but it was going to be torn down i have quite a few pictures from a party we had in '79 or '80 the year my family moved out of Arundel. It's so blurry I could share it if I knew how. We didn't want to leave., it was a great place to live
DeleteWow! So many great posts. I just saw this for the first time and it brings back some of the best memories of my life. I was lucky enough to go to Camp Mattahoon in 66, 67 and 68. Some years I went multiple times. I learned so much and had the time of my life! So sorry it had to end.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you found us! Yes, Mattahoon sounds like it was a great place to be. I'm just sorry it was a few years before my time.
DeleteJust found this nice article. I lived in Arundel apartments when I first moved to Delaware in the fall of 1981, until 1983. As a birder, I surveyed the area around and along Mill Creek for Delaware's first Breeding Bird Census in 1983 - it was a real hotspot for a lot of native birds. I had always wondered about the story of the ruins there. Based on your pictures from 2017, it looks like it might still be worth a visit sometime, even though the new development to the west has encroached, and that the open areas have grown up to woods.
ReplyDeleteVery informative. I lived in the farmhouse at entrance to Arundel Apartments back in ‘70. This is before houses were up behind apartments. Before work farm was removed, before golf course, and another farm house torn down at corner of Mill Creek and Pecksniff Dr. Sherwood PK.
ReplyDeleteI recall ICI, the company I worked for, had there company picnic there at least one time. A few years back I walked the area but missed seeing some of the remains shown in the post.
ReplyDeleteI haven't wandered through that area yet, but I'll definitely have to get back there some time
DeleteGrew up on Vancouver ave and attended Fletcher brown boys club went once to camp Matt a noon somewhere between 1955_1957. As a kid it felt like you were travelling out of state. They were better times
ReplyDeleteVandever Ave? Must be some sort of weird auto-correct thing. I'm sure it did feel like another world compared to the city. Not many folks along Limestone Road there would consider the area "out in the country" any more. Glad you have good memories of it, thanks for sharing.
DeleteNot Vancouver ave. It won't print the real avenue one block over. Why is that
ReplyDeleteRight at the bottom of Graves Road, where it "T"s, there are a bunch of decrepit cabins which are currently being torn down. Is this part of the campgrounds of Camp Mattahoon? One of my brothers went there several in the 1960s and LOVED it. I showed him video of this area but he doesn't really recognize it. Can't figure out from the description exactly where the campsite was... Thanks.
ReplyDeleteWhat you're describing is Camp Wright, a similar but different camp for children. I may write up more about that soon. Mattahoon was on the east side of Limestone Road just north of Milltown. If you're coming up Limestone from Kirkwood Highway, cross Milltown Road and past Total Wine (not that I always use liquor stores as landmarks...), it was back in the woods on the right, behind where Arundel is now.
DeleteThanks, Scott! It's sad that all these cool camps for kids are becoming obsolete...
DeleteThis is a great article! I have nostalgic memorabilia of the camp from the 1960s on E-Bay. Check it out! https://www.ebay.com/itm/266364371952
ReplyDeleteWent to camp in late 50s, best time ever. Belonged to the polar club getting up early and swimming several laps. It was the best of times. Still have post cards that I sent home 2 or 3 times a week. I remember making lamps out of popsicle sticks and brought that idea back to my school in Harrington Delaware where they taught it in art class. Oh the good old days miss them
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your memories! Definitely sounds like it was a great place for a kid to be a kid. Especially for ones who didn't normally have access to that type of fun!
DeleteI used to sneak back and fish there with my friends from Sherwood Park 1. What great memories!