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The Sanders-McFarlin House, aka The Jesus House (since 1975) |
It seems to be a recent trend here that I start researching a property that appears to have a relatively straightforward history, but which turns out to be anything but. This has happened again, but this time with the added complication that there are
two farms with intertwined histories. It would be incomplete to tell one story without the other, since they started out together and were more or less reunited by a mid-20th Century developer. In this post we'll get a bit of their shared history, and then trace the story of the southern of the two farms (but not the one originally inquired about).
The trip down this particular rabbit hole began with a simple question from a longtime resident of the neighborhood of Grendon Farms (thanks, Tim!), asking about its history. The confusing aspect of all this began right at the beginning, in even defining where Grendon Farms is. For the most part, Grendon Farms is understood to be the small community on the east side of Milltown Road, just down the road from The John Dickinson School and across from Heritage Park. However, those houses across the road are not actually all Heritage Park. From the school down to the Jesus House there are four different developments -- Montclare, Grendon Farms, Heritage Park, and the Village of Lindell -- all built at slightly different dates on different properties. This was the first thing I needed to understand, because it only got worse from there.
The first of the these neighborhoods was Grendon Farms, begun in 1958 on the property previously owned by Joseph Gheen Stephenson. In 1950, Stephenson bought a farm of just under 90 acres, on both sides of Milltown Road, from Samuel and Cornelia Johnston. (We'll weave our way through the centuries to arrive back at that point, in the next post.) However, not long after Grendon Farms began construction, developer Frank Robino purchased the neighboring farm and the burgeoning Grendon Farms, renaming the whole thing Heritage Park in Grendon Farms. So although at the light at Milltown Road and Grendon Drive the signs say Grendon Farms on one side and Heritage Park on the other, technically all the roads around Grendon Drive on both sides are Grendon Farms (at least according to the county's Parcel View site). This includes Gheen Road and Stephenson Drive, in what most would call Heritage Park.