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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Abraham Doras Shadd

Once in a while here, I plan on shifting gears a bit and writing a post not about a place or building, but about a person. I'm not usually a betting man, but I'd lay down good money that not many people know that the first black man to hold elected office in Canada was born and raised right here in Mill Creek Hundred. He even had a postage stamp issued in his honor in Canada in 2009. Not only is Abraham Shadd's story fascinating, but I think his entire family's contributions to history are greatly under appreciated. In my own attempt to rectify this, I'll focus in this post on Shadd's parents and grandparents, then in the next one on Abraham and his children. They have all made significant contributions to MCH, Wilmington, US, and Canadian history.

Abraham Shadd's grandfather, Hans Schad, was a Hessian (German) mercenary who came to North America in 1755 to fight with Gen Braddock's army in the French and Indian War. At some point that year, he was wounded and ended up in Chadds Ford. It's unclear whether he was wounded during the disastrous Battle at Ft. Duquesne (Pittsburgh) on July 9th or whether he was actually wounded near Chadds Ford. In either case, the army did pass through the area on its way to its winter quarters in Philadelphia, and the injured Hans Schad was left in the care of two free black women, Elizabeth Jackson and her daughter of the same name. Schad spent considerable time with the Jacksons, and became close to the younger Elizabeth. So close, in fact, that the two were married in January 1756. As Jane Rhodes wrote, "The marriage of Hans and Elizabeth may have occurred out of necessity as well as affection, as their first child, Hans, Jr., was born six months later." Another son, Jeremiah, was born in November 1758.

They continued to reside in Chester County until sometime in the 1770's, when Hans moved the family south to Mill Creek Hundred, where they would be based for the next 50 years or so. (I don't know exactly where in MCH they settled, but I'm continuing to research this, and if I come up with anything, I'll certainly post it.) Presumably they settled in eastern MCH, as Hans and Elizabeth (or Betty Jackson, as she was also known) both had businesses in Wilmington. Hans Schad owned a butcher shop, and Betty ran a tea shop. As best as I can tell, the butcher shop may have been near 4th and Orange, while the tea shop was on French St., somewhere near 7th. Elizabeth Montgomery, in her "Reminiscences of Wilmington", had this to say about Betty:
     Long before and succeeding the Revolution, an establishment just above was celebrated for its nice refreshments, where everything was the best of its kind. There were all sorts beverages, and every variety of cake and fruits. Tea parties were common here, for order and neatness presided over the domain of Betty Jackson, a colored woman of more than ordinary capability.
      As the queen of her class, she knew how to rule, and her subordinates were submissive and attentive. Those who came to purchase cakes walked up the alley. Her best parlor was fitted up for exclusives only. From the balcony on the east was a flight of steps that ascended into a noble willow. Here a platform seated twelve or more persons, where you had an extensive view of the Delaware for miles. Beneath was a tasteful flower garden, from which many a bouquet was selected. The scenery was very attractive.
     Betty died in old age, much respected, leaving valuable property; and it is creditable to say part of it still belongs to her descendants, who occupy the place. Her eldest son, Jeremiah Shad, was many years one of our principal butchers, famous for curing meat, and died respected as an industrious, useful man.
That son, Jeremiah, father of Abraham Shadd, was indeed a butcher, carrying on his father's business. At some point, though, he also began a second business as a shoemaker. Jeremiah and his wife, Amelia, produced twelve children over a twenty year period at their MCH homestead. After Amelia died in 1806, he married another Amelia, reportedly a refugee from the uprising in Santo Domingo (Haiti). This second Amelia became a known personality in Wilmington, too, operating a stand that sold sausages, coffee, and cakes. It's possible that she actually took over her husbands butcher shop after he started as a shoemaker. After Jeremiah's death in 1819, his son Abraham followed in his footsteps by becoming a shoemaker as well. More about Abraham Shadd and the rest of this remarkable African-American family in the next post.


  1. Thanks for your research. Please come to one of my Mary Ann Shadd Cary Delaware Humanities lectures. I will be speaking at the Hockessin Library February 15, 11 am.

  2. Scott, a book I am reading, The Promised Land, states that Jeremiah fought in the Revolutionary War. Have you ever come across anything that would support this? I am also curious about Hans, Jr. What became of him?

    1. Once in a while I wander back to this story and see if I can find anything more. Usually I don't. Today, though, I found probate records for a Hance Shadd from 1785. His widow is listed as Jean. Maybe this is Hans, Jr? If so, I think I know about where they were. The administrator of the estate is Joseph Rotheram, who owned what would later be called Harmony Mill. I have not found anything relating to Jeremiah and the military, but knowing how military service often runs in families, I wouldn't be at all surprised. And unfortunately I have prior plans for 2/15, otherwise I'd love to come

  3. Lora Englehart here. I believe it is Hans Jr.'s will you read. I have a copy as well. Great things are happening for Mary Ann and her family. The Wilmington Post Office is being renamed after her and the State Archives are dedicating a historic marker to the family. It will be placed in the center of Wilmington. Send me an email if you wish to be on a list to receive updates.

    1. That's great to hear. This was one of the first posts I ever did, so I have a special affection for it. Yes, please keep me updated as to what's going on, thanks! mchhistory@verizon.net

  4. Good morning. This is a nice post regarding a very accomplished family that spent their formative years in Wilmington. There is a great deal of misinformation in the secondary public records. and even from the Shadd descendants themselves. Where did you find records of the two Amelia's? This is a common reference in many trees, but it lacks documentation, as does the second marriage. I have been researching the Shadd family as an arm of my Burton ancestors. Abraham was shaped by his father, but also heavily influenced, by Joseph Burton and Jacob Morgan. Joseph's last wife Mary, lived with the Shadd family after Joseph's death (1846) until her death in Ontario in 1878. Many stories about her origins also. In fact her grave marker in Canada states that she is the mother of Abraham. (I do not believe this is accurate) Anyway the blog is great, happy to compare notes.

    1. Thank you for the kind words. Yes, this was one of the earliest posts I did, before I had access to a lot of the primary sources I do now, and I'm sure most of it came from other sources. The Shadd family can be frustrating, because there's a lot of info about parts of it, and very little about others. So I went back today and started digging again, and here's where I'm at as far as the Amelias -- I have pretty good evidence of the second one's existence (if we assume one fact), but nothing about her heritage.

      First, although I haven't found a primary source, everyone seems to have Amelia Sisco (Cisco) dying in February 1807. If that's true, then I have another Amelia Shadd much later. In 1823, a "coloured" widow Amelia Shad bought property in Wilmington from Benjamin Ferris, which had been part of the estate of Jeremiah Shadd. The deeds don't explicitly say she's his widow, but I don't think it's a stretch to believe that. She is in Wilmington in the 1820, 30, and 40 Censuses. She sells various parts of her land at times, including in 1857 when she's described as living in Kent County, Canada West. That's the area of North Buxton where Abraham Doras and family emigrated to (I just looked at Google maps and saw A.D. Shadd Road there). Furthermore, the 1861 Canada Census has Amelia Shadd born in the US living in Kent County Canada, born 1777.

      So, as of now, good circumstantial evidence of the second wife Amelia, but nothing concrete tying her, and definitely nothing about her heritage. I can send you anything I have (you can email me at mchhistory@verizon.net). If I find anything more definitive I'll let you know.

    2. So the more I look at this and think about it, the more I'm coming to question whether there really were two Amelias. It all hinges on this date of February 7, 1806, which just about every family tree has as a death date for Amelia Cisco Shadd. But, there doesn't seem to be any actual documentation of it. It all seems to go back to one Geneanet family tree, which itself has no documentation for the date. I need to see a body. Well, ok, maybe not a body, but something. It's a very specific date which obviously came from someone, somewhere. That and the fact that there's no record of a second marriage really makes me lean towards the idea that this was the same Amelia all along. Yes, the 1861 Canada Census has her age at 84, giving a 1777 DOB, but she wouldn't have been the first or last person to either fudge or misstate her age. The 1820 Census (under her name as head of household) lists one Free Colored Female 45 or older, and 1830 has one 55 or older. That would put her DOB at 1775 or earlier. That's important because we do have documentation of Jeremiah and Amelia Cisco's marriage in 1785. He certainly didn't marry an 8 year old, but if she was born more like 1770, 15 years old is possible for the time. And there's no record of anyone in the story born in Santo Domingo. The Canadian census lists her born in the US. Like I said, I'd be more than happy to talk any of this out with you more.

  5. I find it fascinating to learn about Abraham Shadd's family history.
